
Sessions at the location can vary from 60 min to 3 hours depending on the type of Clearing Pricing based on time and distance. Please contact from more info.

Remote sessions can vary from 60 min to 90 min.

Sierra North

Schedule your Appointment with Sierra


Space Clearing and Blessing

We spend the majority of our time at either work or home. If the energy here is stagnant or negative this can have a dramatic effect on our overall wellness. It is wonderful when we commit to maintaining our vibration but unless we also address the energy of our home and work we are making it harder on ourselves! Space Clearing is a key component to assist you in the attainment of a sense of daily peace and calm.

Some signs your home or work may benefit from Space Clearing:

  • Feeling emotions that are atypical for you when in the space (anger/sadness/jealousy/fear/etc)

  • Increase of tension or arguments in relationships

  • Chronic nightmares or insomnia

  • Behavior changes in animals or children

  • Lack of productivity or decrease in financial stability

  • Shadows or unusual/unexplainable phenomena

  • Declining health or inability to thrive of humans, animals or plants

  • Feelings that the space is “off” or “uncomfortable”

The presence of any of the above signs are indications that a space clearing & blessing would be ideal.

We use a variety of healing modalities to cleanse the space in a respectful and loving way. Sessions can be done in person at the location or in remote sessions. Dowsing can be added to any clearing to enhance the positive energy and protect the space. Please ask us for more info!


 I recently moved into a new house and noticed that my dog seemed uncomfortable and had more separation anxiety than usual. I thought this may just be part of the change/moving process and tried to help him get adjusted. Shortly after, I asked Sierra to come over and she did a home clearing on my new home.

During the session she discovered that there had been a bad relationship with the prior owners. The husband, she picked up that the husband was an alcoholic and abusive to the wife. She also picked up on the fact that there were two dogs that lived here and the wife put a lot of pressure on those dogs to protect her – whether she needed protection from her husband or protection for her and the house if the husband didn’t come home (which felt like a common occurrence). The dogs were anxious and scared themselves, the whole situation created an overall unsettled and unsafe feeling in the home. This explained why I had trouble falling asleep in the home, when I usually do not get scared sleeping alone.  

During the session Sierra cleared this experience from the home and helped me to bring in new, positive, safe and welcoming energy into the home. I noticed immediately my dog was more himself, there was a quick and drastic change in his behavior.

Several weeks later, neighbors came to share some unsolicited information about the house before I bought it. They confirmed what Sierra had picked up on, that there was a family here and the man and wife had some serious issues, he ended up leaving her. They both mentioned there were two dogs, and Sierra had nailed the dogs down to the exact breeds.

I later also found a lot of broken alcohol and beer battles in the back yard near the husbands shed. Naturally, all of the experience that Sierra discovered and cleared about the house were confirmed. But the best part is, I understand the home’s history and through my work with Sierra I have been able to make this home’s energy an amazing place for me and my dog!

-Abby H. 2020